Client Evaluations 2017 — The Mid-Way View

What are our clients’ current thoughts on our service?

So far, this year our clients have returned 184 Client Evaluation Questionnaires. This is a lot higher than we would normally receive at such a stage in the year; 190 in total were received in 2016. We have had one of our largest family trees cases complete this year, and with over 105 identified entitled beneficiaries this one case has certainly increased the normal volume of evaluations issued and subsequently returned.

The feedback given on our service from these questionnaires was that 91% felt our overall service was either Excellent (54%) or Good (37%).

What do we think about this?

There is no denying that this is a strong performance and ensures we continue to be above that important 90% minimum benchmark we set ourselves. At the end of March, however, the year-to-date satisfaction rate was 88%; which gave us a warning shot that was very hard to ignore.

We looked closely at what could be influencing a downturn in our clients’ perception of our service and took immediate action, so it is pleasing to see a steady climb back above 90%.

Two areas that stood out were, 1) the consistency of the quality of the Family Trees we provided at the close of a client case and 2) the pace and tone of our communication.

We asked our Team Leaders, Jonathan and Lauren, to ‘sign off’ on the Family Trees before dispatch to make sure they were legible (and not just to their younger eyes) and presented in the most effective way.

We have also made a conscious commitment to move away from our more templated communication tools, ensuring our letters are much more bespoke and relative to the client’s case. We have also encouraged our Cases Managers to provide their clients with much more regular updates as to how their case is progressing.

In the second half of 2017 we are looking at what else we can do to increase the ‘wow’ factor and will be trialling different ideas to accomplish this.

What else have they told us?

Key highlights for us are that:

90% are either ‘Very Likely’ or ‘Quite Likely’ to recommend us and,
77% considered our service either ‘Excellent’ or ‘Good’ value for money.

The service we provide is very comprehensive and we take immense satisfaction from this being recognised.

For many of our cases we work very closely with the families and entitled beneficiaries — this year so far this has meant we have:

organised three funerals (right down to taking care of all the minutia details from coffin choice, service content and notification)
ensured three properties have been made ‘fit’ to be placed on the open market for sale
arranged for personal effects and possessions to be valued and sold where instructed

collected and then distributed keepsakes and articles of sentimental value to family members.

And, it is not just our unclaimed estates service that is behind the positive feedback being given. One client came and visited us whilst in the UK on a visit from Canada; we believed we had identified an unclaimed asset in her mother’s name. We were proved right and the client, having received the funds, advised us she felt this was a sign that her mother was continuing to look after her — both a hugely heart-warming statement to hear and rewarding moment for the Cases Manager involved.

Our Cases Managers

93% recognised the strength that is our Cases Managers; rating them as either ‘Excellent’ (56%) or ‘Good’ (37%). We value them so highly; they are an integral part of the company, and to ensure they remain engaged in their role and, experience personal development, we continue to investment in them as individuals.

Nearly all attended the Professional Paralegal Conference in June this year; many are progressing towards their Tier 3 Practising Paralegal Certificate and this event gave them the opportunity for continuous professional development — hearing any latest developments in law for Wills & Probate, Contract Law, Client Care and listening to some fantastic and inspiring speakers.

We have also run a teamwide training event to ensure our engagements with clients are fulfilling to both parties and have another planned for early September to help them further develop their empathy and associated communications skills.

Our 2017 goal

We are setting the bar high.

We would like to see 95% feeling our overall service was either excellent or good and, 80% feeling our service represents value for money.

We have many initiatives underway to help us achieve the above though recognise the challenge they represent.


I thank you for talking the time to read this review.

I will close by quoting Mr H Mansford, a Personal Representative we supported throughout an intestacy case:

“Apart from being pleased at receiving an unexpected bounty, I have found it very interesting reading through all the documents that led to the discovery of my relative, although rather sad that I never met her…Thank you for the efficient and professional way in which this case has been executed”

A very typical response from our clients at the closing of a case.

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