In 1991, the custodians of an asset belonging to a Mr George Grant finally realised they had lost all contact with him.
In 2013, Treethorpe took on the task of tracking him down, and having carried out some research it transpired that Mr Grant had in fact passed away as long ago as 1945. Fortunately he had made a will leaving everything to his wife, Martha, who in turn had also died, leaving her estate to their four children. Three of the children subsequently passed away intestate and, with no other surviving beneficiaries, their share of the estate had passed to their sister, Harriet, who had also been the executor of Martha’s will. In turn, Harriet stated in her own will that she would leave everything to her only child, Sylvia, the granddaughter of the original asset holder, George Grant. When we eventually made contact with Sylvia, she was able to confirm the whole family tree and was naturally delighted with the outcome, recalling that the reason why most of her relatives had made wills was to ensure that the money would remain in the family.
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