I would start off by saying that I have learnt a lot about genealogical research and the asset reunification process. Despite my legal experience, I have had to learn new skills to adapt to this role.
There are many checks and balances that are in place (from start to finish) to ensure that the correct beneficiaries are identified and paid properly. This has made me feel more confident about doing my work accurately. I have felt assured whilst at Treethorpe that I have the support to provide a great service to those who were unaware of an asset until I had contacted them. I am enjoying the administrative casework, along with learning about the case process and the steps taken before distributing.
Another learning curve has been the use of genealogical research techniques and resources. To be given just a name and date of death can be daunting. It takes time and effort to build a family tree that you can rely on. Especially when the deceased person has many relatives.
Treethorpe has access to various online resources and I have used the same to guide my research. There is also a reasonable approach that must be taken to match records with the person that you are trying to find. One thing my previous experience has definitely helped with is speaking to people, whether they are related to the deceased or are connected to them in another way. It is a great help when someone is open about their family background and they are happy to assist me with my research. A challenge can be getting all beneficiaries of a large family tree to sign up, which can take time and patience.
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